CHECKOUT BY AMAZON SIGNATURE GENERATION SAMPLE CODE Author: Nitin Purswani Copyright: 2007-2014 Amazon Technologies, Inc *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* CONTENT SECTIONS (in order of appearance) *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* INTRODUCTION PREREQUISITES RELEASE NOTES SUPPORT & PROJECT HOME LINKS *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* INTRODUCTION *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* Please understand that by installing Checkout by Amazon signing sample code, you are agreeing to understand and abide by the terms of the license, as written in LICENSE.txt. Important links are grouped together in a separate section for your convenience. The most current documentation on Checkout by Amazon can be found on its website. *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* PREREQUISITES *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* Please have the following software packages available on your systems before running the demo. 1. PHP 5 *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* RELEASE NOTES *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* (1) Carefully follow all instructions in INSTALLATION_GUIDE.txt (2) You must have set up an Amazon Seller account & have your merchantID (3) You must have set up an AWS account, and have your AWS keys ready to use in the demo. To read more about an AWS account, please view Seller Central help: *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* SUPPORT & PROJECT HOME *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* The latest documentation on Checkout by Amazon can be found at in the LINKS section below. *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* LINKS *-*-**-***-*****-********-************* Checkout by Amazon Documentation & Seller Central