Publisher |
Martino Fine Books |
Publication Year |
2018 |
ISBN-13 |
9781684222810 |
ISBN-10 |
9781684222810 |
Binding |
Paperback |
Number of Pages |
82 Pages |
Language |
(English) |
Dimensions (Cms) |
15.24 x 0.51 x 22.86 |
Weight (grms) |
124 |
A Reprint of the Peter Pauper Pressedition of Franklin's classic work with dozens of charming woodcuts. Franklin, the American inventor, statesman, and publisher, achieved success with Poor Richard's Almanack. Almanacks were very popular books in colonial America, offering a mixture of seasonal weather forecasts, practical household hints, puzzles, and other amusements. Poor Richard's Almanack was also popular for its extensive use of wordplay, and some of the witty phrases coined in the work survive in the contemporary American vernacular. The Almanacks were published yearly and contained the calendar, weather, poems, sayings and astronomical information that a typical almanac of the period would contain. Franklin also included the occasional mathematical exercise, and the Almanack from 1750 features an early example of demographics. It is chiefly remembered, however, for being a repository of Franklin's aphorisms and proverbs, many of which live on in American English. These maxims typically counsel thrift and courtesy, with a dash of cynicism.
Benjamin Franklin
“I was born in Boston, New England and owe my first instructions in literature to the free grammar-schools established there. I therefore give one hundred pounds sterling to my executors, to be by them... paid over to the managers or directors of the free schools in my native town of Boston, to be by them... put out to interest and so continued at interest forever, which interest annually shall be laid out in silver medals and given as honorary rewards annually by the directors of the said free schools belonging to the said town, in such manner as to the discretion of the selectmen of the said town shall seem meet.’’
Benjamin Franklin
Martino Fine Books